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Ohana SEL+ Program

Sensei Sam Larioza

What does the “plus” stand for?

You might have noticed the “plus” in the name “Ohana SEL+ Program”. What does it stand for?

Well, as I have written earlier the foundation of the program is Social Emotional Learning. SEL is “the processes through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.” CASEL has identified five interrelated social and emotional competencies: self-management, self- awareness, social-awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making.

But we know for success in life you need more. This is what the plus stands for. In the Ohana SEL+ Program is more than just SEL. We add four more critical elements:

1. Mindset– Expressing confidence in oneself and one’s ability to improve (e.g., exhibiting a growth mindset), identifying positive attributes/strengths in oneself and others, and approaching challenging situations with a positive attitude. “Your attitude determines your altitude” in life.

2. Character– Verbalizing opinions about right and wrong (e.g., making ethical judgments), being tolerant and accepting of differences in others, acting upon an appreciation for community and civic responsibility, trying hard and persevering in the face of difficulty, and following through on responsibilities. We keep it simple here by concentrating on developing just three character traits – Courage, Discipline and Humility.

3. Mindfulness– Mindfulness has two important elements. First learning to be fully aware of yourself and your feelings/emotions. Second, to act appropriately, not over-reacting and not under-reacting. Most of the time with children, we only think of over-reacting like losing their temper or throwing a tantrum. But equally as important is to not under react. This happens when children are shy or debilitated from anxiety. When they hesitate/hold back or with some teens, when they don’t care or give up.

4. Habits– But this is probably the most important part of the program. The repetition builds habits. And, ultimately it is your habits that determine your success and destiny in life!

So, this is what the “plus” stands for!

Yours for stronger kids,


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